Peter Reiher's Home Page

I am an adjunct professor at UCLA.

I am a co-author on a book on Internet denial of service attacks and defenses. The other authors are Jelena Mirkovic, Sven Dietrich, and David Dittrich.

My research interests include systems and network security, mobile computing, file systems, distributed operating systems, ubiquitous computing, and parallel discrete event simulation.

My previous projects at UCLA include:

Long ago, I also worked on the Time Warp Operating System project while I was at JPL. The Time Warp project developed an optimistic parallel discrete event simulation engine. The last released version of that software is available from UCLA's FTP archive. If you have questions about this subject not answered by the information provided, I'll be happy to try to answer them.

Several of my publications are available on-line. Others aren't available in electronic form, including some of those related to the Time Warp Operating System. If you want those, get in touch with me.

Apart from my research, I'm quite interested in film. I have some rather old movie reviews that I used to post to the net, and some other miscellaneous writings about film, if you're interested.

I have discontinued the summer blockbuster contest that I ran for many years, due to lack of entries. This contest involved predicting the summer grosses of big Hollywood films. Results from past runs of the contest are still available.

For the cat lovers among you, here are some pictures of my cats.

If you've ever wondered what the proper way to treat elves was, Morris Bishop beautifully summarized it in a short poem. The more annoying you find the first few stanzas, the more you're likely to enjoy it as a whole.