![]() Submissio Instructions for 2nd International Workshop on Social Aspects of Ubiquitous Computing Environments (SAUCE) 2009 The SAUCE WiMob 2009 workshop welcomes full papers (not solely abstracts) from academic, government, and industry contributors dealing with the above or related issues. All submissions will be subjected to a thorough review by at least three reviewers. Papers must be written in English. The maximum paper length is six (6) printed pages (10-point font) including figures, graphics and tables. For the submission authors can use the standard IEEE Transactions templates for Microsoft Word or LaTeX formats available at IEEE's web site. Authors must have checked that their papers are printable. The SAUCE WiMob 2009 workshop is using the EDAS Conference Management System to manage paper submissions process. In order to submit a paper, authors must first create an EDAS account if they do not have already one. The EDAS system will e-mail a password. Then authors can login to EDAS using the password they have received. EDAS will provide authors with a submissions homepage where they can register their SAUCE WiMob 2009 paper submission and make appropriate changes. Full IEEE WiMob 2009 Conference registration will include workshops. Any registered author can attend any workshop, as well as the main conference. Each SAUCE WiMob 2009 accepted paper will need to have at least one author register at the full conference rate. Each registered author can be associated with at most two conference or workshops papers.