Student Guide to Academic Integrity

Office of the Dean of Students

1206 Murphy Hall 310/825-3871


Academic Integrity

UCLA commits itself to the work of teaching, research, and public service in accordance with the highest standards of quality, institutional integrity, and freedom of expression. All members of the University community, faculty, staff, and students alike, are responsible for maintaining these standards.


As a student and member of the University community, you are here to get an education and are therefore expected to demonstrate honesty in all of your academic endeavors. You are evaluated on your own merits, so be proud of your accomplishments, and protect academic integrity at UCLA.


Forms of Academic Dishonesty

As specified by University policy, violations or attempted violations of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to, cheating, fabrication, plagiarism, multiple submissions, or facilitating academic dishonesty (See University of California Policies Applying to Campus Activities, Organizations, and Students, 102.01).


Cheating is defined by Webster as: 1) to deprive of something valuable by the use of deceit 2) to influence or lead by deceit, trick, or artifice 3) to practice fraud or trickery. Synonyms include defraud, cozen, swindle, and overreach.


ü       Unauthorized acquiring of knowledge of an examination or part of an examination

ü       Allowing another person to take a quiz, exam, or similar evaluation in your place

ü       The failure to follow the expressed directions given for an assignment.

ü       Using unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any academic exercise or examination including, but not limited to: textbook, notes, formula list, calculator, etc.

ü       Unauthorized collaboration in providing or requesting assistance, such as sharing information on an academic exercise

ü       Unauthorized use of someone else’s data in completing a computer exercise

ü       Altering a graded exam or assignment and requesting that it be regraded


Fabricate is defined by Webster as: 1) to make up for the purpose of deception


ü       Falsification or invention of any information in an academic exercise

ü       Altering data to support research

ü       Presenting results from research that was not performed

ü       Crediting source material that was not used for research


Plagiarize is defined by Webster as: 1) to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one’s own 2) use of a created production without crediting the source 3) to commit literary theft, present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source


ü       Submitting, as your own, through purchase or otherwise, part of or an entire work produced verbatim by someone else

ü       Paraphrasing ideas, data, or writing without properly acknowledging the source(s)

ü       Unauthorized transfer and use of someone else’s computer file as your own

ü       Unauthorized use of someone else’s data in completing any academic exercise


Multiple Submissions – resubmission of a work that has already received credit with identical or similar content in another course without consent of the present instructor or submission of work with identical or similar content in concurrent courses without consent of instructors


Facilitating Academic Dishonesty – participating in any action that compromises the integrity of the academic standards of the University; assisting another to commit an act of academic dishonesty can include, but are not limited to:


ü       Allowing another student to copy from you 

ü       Providing material or other information to another student with knowledge that such assistance could be used in any of the violations stated above (e.g., giving test information to students in other discussion sections of the same course).

Protocol When Academic Dishonesty is Suspected

When a student is suspected of being involved in any form of academic dishonesty, the Academic Senate requires that the instructor report the allegation to the Dean of Students’ Office. The instructor will file a report and provide supporting evidence such as a copy of the exam or paper in question.


If you are charged with academic dishonesty, you have various options. Read the charges carefully. You may consider talking with your professor to clarify the situation and/or pursue clarification during your interview(s) with a Dean in the Dean of Students’ Office. By meeting with a Dean you are not admitting your guilt, you are afforded the opportunity to explain the situation.


If you admit culpability, and the Dean concludes that there is sufficient evidence to sustain a finding of culpability, the Dean may impose, or impose and suspend, one or more of the sanctions listed in III.A.7 of the UCLA Student Conduct Code. Sanctions for violation of University policies regarding academic dishonesty include suspension or dismissal. If the matter cannot be resolved, the Dean may refer the case to the Student Conduct Committee for a hearing.


If you have any questions regarding any of these procedures contact the Dean of Students at (310) 825-3871.


Promoting Academic Integrity: Proactive Strategies

ü       Discourage academic misconduct among your peers

ü       Take the time to produce quality work that you can be proud of, if you need an extension consult with your instructor or the TA.

ü       During examinations, focus on your work, and do not look in the direction of other students. Take the initiative to protect your work to prevent other students from copying.

ü       Do not allow others to use your computer programs. Keep your computer password secret to avoid unauthorized access.

ü       Do not share rough drafts or participate in peer editing.

ü       When using class notes for an assignment, ask yourself: Did this information come from me? Always document where and from whom you got your information (e.g., other students, professor, class text, web site).

ü       What can you do if you are unsure whether it is unauthorized collaboration or whether it is okay to work together? When in doubt, ask. Check your course syllabus or speak with your instructor for special requirements. Utilize resources for assistance.


Helpful Resources


(a)   MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 3rd Edition. New York: Modern Language Association, 1984.

(b)   UCLA Department of English Style Sheet (available in the book store)

(c)   Your instructor (stay after class or go to office hours)

(d)   College Tutorials (228 Covel Commons)

(e)   Counselors for your College, School or Department (see the back of the Schedule of Classes)

(f)    Student Psychological Services (4223 Math Sciences or A3-062 CHS)


(Electronic Resources)

(g)   Li, X., and Crane, N.B. (1996). Electronic styles: a handbook for citing electronic information. Medford, N.J.: Information Today.

(h)   MLA citation style

(i)    APA citation style


Questions? Contact your TA, Professor, or the Dean of Students’ Office at (310) 825-3871.


Remember that you are a member of a community of scholars, and UCLA is counting on you. Don’t compromise the value of your degree.



UCLA Student Conduct Code

University of California Policies Applying to Campus Activities, Organizations, and Students

Portions of this brochure adapted with permission from Student Academic Honesty for Ohio University Students, 1994


Created by: Dean of Students Office 1999


Last updated: 10/4/99