University of California, Los Angeles
Computer Science Department
420 Westwood Plaza
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Office: 3564B Boelter Hall
I recently received my PhD from the Computer Science Department at UCLA. My Adviser was Dr. Peter Reiher and I am a member of Laboratory for Advanced Systems Research. I received my Masters from University of California, Berkeley where I worked on the StatNews project and my adviser was Dr. Laurent El Ghaoui. I received my BSc also from UC Berkeley in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science while I was involved in research at The Berkeley Initiative in Soft Computing and NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory on the STEREO mission.
I am generally interested in computer security, computer networks, applied machine learning, applied cryptography, and computer science education. Currently, as my primary research project, I work on end-to-end measurements of network performance for security purposes. I am also currently working on a project to secure mobile medical devices, supervised by Dr. Reiher and Dr. Sarrafzadeh. Prior to these projects, I worked on controlling applications by managing network characteristics under Dr. Kleinrock and Dr. Reiher's supervision. I am also actively involved in a computer science education research project that aims to improve the cybersecurity awareness by teaching the security mindset in non-security computer science courses.
I have been working at Symantec, Inc. on reputation-based security since June 2010. Previously, I worked at PostPath which was later acquired by Cisco Systems, Inc.
webmaster: vhbsoft - last updated on July, 20, 2014.